Create captivating image clipping effects using CSS


  • CSS
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Create captivating image clipping effects using CSS feature
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16 September 2024
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CSS transformations can be used to create engaging transition effects. With some trickery we are able to apply a transformation to an element, and reverse the inherited transformation on the child.

Here’s the HTML structure as an example:

<div class="img-clip">
  <a class="img-clip__link" href="#0">
    <figure class="img-clip__fig">
      <img class="img-clip__img" src="[image]" alt="[alt]">

In CSS, on hover, we can apply a scale down transformation to the <figure> element and a scale up transformation to the <img> element:

.img-clip__link:hover .img-clip__fig {
   transform: scale(0.9);


/* 1 divided by 0.9 = 1.111 */

.img-clip__link:hover .img-clip__img {
   transform: scale(1.111);

The <img> scale value is obtained by dividing 1 by the scale down value (1/0.9).

Preview for “Create captivating image clipping effects using CSS”

HTML for “Create captivating image clipping effects using CSS”

<div class="img-clip">
  <a class="img-clip__link" href="#0">
    <span class="img-clip__caption">Hover me</span>
    <figure class="img-clip__fig">
      <img class="img-clip__img" src="/assets/images/demo/image-clipping-demo.png" alt="">

CSS for “Create captivating image clipping effects using CSS”

.img-clip {
  max-width: 640px;

.img-clip__img {
  transition: transform .3s;
  will-change: transform;

.img-clip__img {
  display: block;
  width: 100%;

.img-clip__fig {
  overflow: hidden;

.img-clip__link:hover .img-clip__fig {
   transform: scale(0.9);

/* 1 divided by 0.9 = 1.111 */
.img-clip__link:hover .img-clip__img {
   transform: scale(1.111);